Payment history and debt totals are important parts but not the only factors in determining your FICO Score
When it comes to Credit Scores
, FICO is most common. Regardless of what credit report you obtain most people will refer to your credit score as your FICO Score
. Almost all banks or Lenders in the United States use FICO scores to decide whether to offer credit to potential borrowers and at what interest rate. FICO has a major global presence, as well: According to the company's testimony before a House Financial Services Committee, FICO Score
are used in about 10 billion decisions worldwide each year. Did you catch that, 10 BILLION.
So how does FICO or the correct name Fair Isaac Corporation, come up with its widely used score?
When it comes to Credit Scores
So how does FICO or the correct name Fair Isaac Corporation, come up with its widely used score?